As the former Cabinet Member for the Environment over the last four years, I as able to implement and deliver several initiatives. Let's remember that the environment doesn’t belong to one political party but is more of a moral compass of the individual or direction of administration.
I was delighted therefore, to see this week that the East Suffolk Blooms campaign has been an incredible success. Although, the press release from East Suffolk had Rachel Smith-Lyte (from the GLI Group) quoted on the initiative this was in fact organised and delivered by the outgoing Conservative administration.
Let’s not forget - we delivered time and time again - building environmentally sustainable communities, empowering our residents, and making a fundamental difference to the delivery of services.
Well done to our communities for applying for our spring bulbs and I can’t wait to see these early spring flowers appear across our landscape next year.
East Suffolk Conservatives delivering in the past, now and for future generations.