In May 2023, East Suffolk Council will hold elections to choose the 55 councillors who will represent the district for the next four years. If you are passionate about your local community here in East Suffolk, we need you! Councillors make a huge difference to the quality of life for local people and how local issues are dealt with. We would like people from all backgrounds and experiences, who reflect the communities they serve, to put themselves forward for election.
Local councils can only be as effective, relevant and vibrant as the people elected to run it, so we need councillors who are capable, energetic and engaged – from all backgrounds and experiences, to reflect their communities.
Being a councillor is highly rewarding. No other role gives you a chance to make such a huge difference to the quality of life of people in your local area and to influence the way issues are dealt with locally.
For more information, please visit: How do I become a councillor? » East Suffolk Council