At its recent AGM, the East Suffolk Conservatives Group elected Cllr Mark Jepson as their new Leader.
Many may know Cllr Jepson as the previous Assistant Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Community Health at East Suffolk and the previous Mayor of Felixstowe.
Cllr Jepson is currently the Ward Member for Eastern Felixstowe and an active member of both the Licensing and the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.
Following his election, Cllr Jepson said “I’m delighted to accept. I am acutely aware that within East Suffolk the Conservatives are going through a transition, we also have the general election and a by-election to prepare for first.
“My vision is to develop a cohesive group, develop the skills of the new Councillors and prepare us for the next District elections. We need to demonstrate to Conservative voters who have lost confidence in the party at a national level, that locally; we do represent their views and concerns and are committed to improving the district.
“I am pleased to see that the GLI administration are still supporting projects and initiatives we introduced during our four years in administration.”
Meanwhile, Cllr Jenny Ceresa takes on a new role as the Deputy Leader of the East Suffolk Conservatives Group. Cllr Ceresa was previously East Suffolk Council’s first female Chair. She currently represents the Carlton and Whitton Ward.