Now the new Labour Government has published its plans for building 1.5 million new houses in the next five years the question is where will they be built?
It looks as if the countryside is going to be where the majority of houses will be built and if we (East Suffolk) do not build our quota then the Government will send in the “big boys”.
But first they have to recruit 300 additional Panning Officers, which of course grow on trees and are easily harvested. Let’s be serious. They will have to be recruited from existing planning offices whether that be from the private or public sector. We should bear in mind that it takes three years for a fully competent and qualified planning officer to complete his or her university course so we cannot rely on that stream to take us to the Green Belts of the rural councils.
So, what will happen in East Suffolk? Firstly, does the government think that voters will just sit back and let new estates be built ad hoc in order to fulfil government quotas? If you think the objections to existing planning applications are far too numerous or indeed consist mainly of Nimby protesters, standby for worse. And if they do increase will the objections route be curtailed? What will that do for democracy?
Our villages and towns in East Suffolk must be protected from “plonking” estates in adjacent fields and poorly designed homes just to achieve targets. Most Parish Councils and residents have had enough of that already.
Cllr Colin Hedgley
Ward Member for Carlford & Fynn Valley Ward